I found the coolest statue today. It is a monument to Louis Hébert, the first settler to colonize in Québec City in 1617. The statue is located in the Montmorency Park National Historic Site. The park is situated at the edge of Upper Town, just above Lower Town, where our hotel for this summer's ancestry visit is located. It's just minutes away. On this statue, is a plaque commemorating the early colonists. One of them is Gaspard Boucher who arrived in Québec in 1635. He is my 8th great-grandfather.
Statue to Louis Hébert, apothicaire de Paris - Photo by Jean Gagnon
Plaque des premiers colons de Quebec - Photo by Jean Gagnon
Photo by Jean Gagnon
There he is - Gaspard Boucher ~ my 8th great-grandfather. Can't wait to see it in person.